Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Liam and his favorite things.

If being a boy is measured by affinity to motorized vehicles then Liam is a boy 100% through and through. Tractors were his first love, but he has since discovered, pick-up trucks, dump trucks, and lawn mowers to name a few. Here is Liam with a few of his favorite things.

With his fabulous tractor from cousin Christopher,
making whatever noise tractors make.

On an adventure with his lawnmower,
although clearly this lawnmower is for pavement
not grass

And with his new recycling truck, courtesy of Mary

New blog

I wanted to start this blog to give me an outlet for the 100s of photos (well not always 100s, sometimes just 50) I take of Liam every week, and for friends and family to see what we do all the time. I am guessing if I actually manage to post a lot, most of the posts will be pictures with captions :) Hope you enjoy reading.

To start off the posts here is what we've been doing this week: washing diapers. In effort to reduce the stink of our diapers we are now washing every other day (apparently you're not supposed to go 4-5 days between washings), which means lots of time to practice with those wash settings and see the beautiful rainbow in the drawer and on the line.