I wanted to start this blog to give me an outlet for the 100s of photos (well not always 100s, sometimes just 50) I take of Liam every week, and for friends and family to see what we do all the time. I am guessing if I actually manage to post a lot, most of the posts will be pictures with captions :) Hope you enjoy reading.
To start off the posts here is what we've been doing this week: washing diapers. In effort to reduce the stink of our diapers we are now washing every other day (apparently you're not supposed to go 4-5 days between washings), which means lots of time to practice with those wash settings and see the beautiful rainbow in the drawer and on the line.

What a gorgeous stash! Yes, we don't make it past 2 days without some serious stink in the summertime.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! We do have a pretty stash if I say so myself :) So far so good on the stink, and we have stretched to 3 days sometimes. Perhaps this winter we can go back to every 3rd day and stick to it. I find the wash routine to be the most difficult part of cloth diapering. It seems you need different things for their different stages.