It's an almost wordless Wednesday. This is what I heard as I was cutting up watermelon in the kitchen tonight: "Liam, don't put the watermelon in your belly button!"
In non-belly button related news here are a few pics from the week.

This is the tractor that Mary brought over for Liam to play with.
Liam thought it was fantastic, as evident by the wagon holding
Liam's most prized possession: his sippy cup of milk.

My beautiful boy, almost unrecognizable since he is clean after a bath :)

Other evidence of us living in the country: We feed donkeys in our PJs.
This is no ordinary donkey by the way, this is Poncho,
who is actually a burro rescued from the Grand Canyon many years ago.
Liam loves Poncho and does a lovely impression,
which sounds very similar to someone faking an asthma attack.

I saw these boots at target a few months ago, and Liam has been interested, but a little afraid to put them on his feet and actually walk in them, until tonight that is....

ahhh, have you ever seen anyone look so pleased
with a pair of rubber boots?
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