I was just about to update the blog, and then a tornado blew away my computer
My computer crashed, so I couldn't post
I got caught in traffic, and my cellphone died, so I didn't get home in time....
Would you like any more excuses, real or ahem, otherwise?
So, yes, as it turns out, yes, I have been a delinquent blogger. But... I am going to change that now with a lovely post with pictures of the little one and our adventures over the past few weeks, and of course, of Halloween.
What? Halloween was almost a month ago, and christmas decorations have been out for weeks you say? Just a reminder about where we've been, and that yes, time does go quickly. Halloween does just seem like it was yesterday, and yes, Christmas will be here before we know it. Now, on to some photos :)
You may recognize this outfit from last year:
(last year)
But it finally fit this year! (although he was more
compliant with the photos last year, this year, he wore the hat!)
Both my boys, on the lawn for Halloween,
with Liam grasping the true meaning of Halloween: candy!
The Halloween gang, minus Talia and myself
After the lawn, we went back to Mary's house,
where Talia captured some lovely photos of myself
And of Mary and Chris
And of course, of the beloved Tractor
Aside from Halloween, we've been enjoying this wonderful fall weather.
Liam has thoroughly been enjoying his tractor,
aka the best hand-me-down present that a boy could possibly receive, ever
It's the perfect toy while Mom's hanging laundry on the line
And for playing with on a sunny afternoon

Liam also had an opportunity to help his Poppy
while burning some brush. A very safe, toddler activity, I assure you
See? He brought his boots. He was ready for anything
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